Solar Park South - International Online -  project 102 of 201  
Eleena Jamil Architect page 1 (page 2)
eleena jamil (malaysia)
Bio-road Farm can be described as a high-tech linear farm. It intends to assist local farmers by introducing advanced technological agriculture techniques. The farm is open to public and it will attract visitors with its myriad of ‘green offerings’ and breathtaking views. Visitors to Bio-road Farm will be able to walk, cycle or hop on electric buggies along the new structure. At certain scenic locations, circular glass-bottomed sky-walk cantilevers out from the viaducts. Along the walkways are lined a series of local fruit, vegetable and flower farms where visitors will be able to witness the technology of ‘hydroponic farming’ in greenhouses and ‘artificial light farming’ in tunnels. They will be able to buy local produce and enjoy delicious food prepared from farm’s produce. There are natural gardens with simple wildlife habitats and innovative playground for children. Researchers, workers and visitors may opt to stay in the live/work units offered on the farm.