Solar Park South - International Online -  project 178 of 201  
Nidimami page 2 (page 1)
niels vauth (germany), dieter günnewig (germany), marco miglioranzi (italy), michael sauer (germany), malte diers (germany)
The structure receives a package of infrastructral lines (Pipes Cables Treatment-Technology) to backup the self-sufficiency

The coast-orientated-lane is reorganized into a low-speed street combined with a sidewalk for pedestrians & bikes

The coast-averted-lane configures the Solar Layer. Following the lane, solar-panels are applied to its surface

Plan B Cluster
The viaducts offer the potential to be densified with additional program. To realize this new structure the transformation process is composed by 3 strategies

The top of the coast-averted-lane receives new program which is connected to the infrastructural-package

The space between the columns receives new program which is connected to the new infrastructure package

Between the new program on the coast-averted-lane 2 new elements support the self-sufficiency with a unique structure that can be used as solar-panel-shields or as rainwater-collecting & solarthermic chutes