Solar Park South - International Online -  project 177 of 201  
Comas Pont - idAP page 1 (page 2)
jordi comas mora (spain), anna pont armengol (spain), marc rifà rovira (spain), enric comas mora (spain), antoni fargas (spain)
The mild climate of this region, with sea and mountains (forest), gives an opportunity to practices Sports Turing all the year. Its geological characteristics let all extreme Sports practice. We propose a re-use of this infrastructure like a sports axis to connect the existing rural ways with the sea and the urban areas of the zone and the public equipments of the cities, it makes all these pieces work together like an articulated unit and generates a sport route integrated in the area.

In an economic level, the region can specialize in sport stays working like a big high sport performance center (triathlon, cross, mountain bike, climb, sera sports, …) and they can exploit tourist health activities: sport+Mediterranean diet (olive oil, wine, cereals, vegetables, fish, …). “Mens sana in corpore sano”, this way will regenerate sport equipments, hotels and alimentary sector of the area and crates an only specialization focus.