ARCHITECTENBUREAU PAUL DE RUITER BV   Valschermkade 36 D | 1059 CD Amsterdam
simon stevin 2 arnhem, the netherlands, 1997 - first prize  
a multioccupancy building for start-up companies, offering small units and flexible leases. the ground floor contains business units of 50 to 75 square metres each, arranged in such a way that each has its own entrance. all the rooms are equipped with high-quality lighting, electricity and voice and data networks. the atrium, in combination with the climate-control roof, makes the building more energy-efficient. the newly developed "simon stevin climate-control roof" reduces the build-up of heat in the atrium in the summer and acts as an insulator in the winter. reducing the height of the different storeys had a similar effect. the covered courtyard functions as a central hall, but also as a light court for offices and workshops.