ORTUS ARTIS 2006 - A Garden for the Carthusian Monastery of Padula
Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici e per il Paesaggio, per il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico e Etnoantropologico (BAPPSAE) of Salerno and Avellino.
Via Botteghelle 11 (Palazzo D'Avossa) - 84100 Salerno, Italy
tel: +39.089.2573201, fax: +39.089.251727
Web Site:
Competition Secretariat:
The long term Ortus Artis Project is managed by the Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici per il Paesaggio, per il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico e Etnoantropologico of Salerno and Avellino, under the direction of the architect Mr. Giuseppe Zampino. The various activities of organisation and implementation will be managed by Mr. Gennaro Miccio, the Conservator of the Carthusian Monastery of Padula.
The Carthusian Monastery of Padula is located approximately 100 km south of Salerno along the A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria Highway. This fascinating architectural complex was built in phases beginning in 1306 and currently attracts over 200.000 visitors each year. The Carthusian Monastery, recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, occupies 51.000 sq m and includes covered spaces, cloisters and gardens, all of which have been fully restored. Over time the site has become the symbol of the continuous osmosis between a life of contemplation and everyday experience, in perfect equilibrium between asceticism and creativity.
The "Le Opere e i Giorni" programme, invented and managed by Achille Bonito Oliva has brought over 100 internationally renowned artists to Padula over the last three years, each of whom have presented works and installations inside the spaces of the Carthusian Monastery. This extraordinary patrimony will become part of a museum of contemporary art, inserted within the splendid framework created by the Carthusian Monks and restored by the Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino.
The initiative for the valorisation of the Monastery, promoted by "Ortus Artis" and coordinated by the Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino and, confronts the theme of the contemporary landscape; internationally renowned landscape architects have been invited to confront the topic of the monastic hortus conclusus. The first edition, held in 2003, led to the creation of 5 gardens by Atelier Le Balto (France), Victor Beiramar Diniz (Portugal), Helene Hölzl (Italy), Topotek 1 (Germany) and West 8 (Holland); during the same year, the partnership with the Festival International de Jardin de Métis in Canada resulted in the creation of another 5 gardens based on projects by Henri Bava (France), Bet Figueras (Spain), Guido Hager (Switzerland), Joao Ferreira Nunes (Portugal) and Stefan Tischer (Germany). In addition, the project also includes annual workshops with university students that culminate in the creation of other temporary gardens.
All of the gardens can be visited during the opening hours of the Carthusian Monastery. Images of the projects and their construction can be viewed at
In order to ensure the continuity of the "Ortus Artis" project, for the first time in the project's history, the Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino is promoting an International Competition for the creation of a garden in cell n°25, currently under restoration. Like the gardens in the other cells, cell n°25 will also be accessible through the portico of the principal courtyard, with its scenic backdrop of the city of Padula on the hillside, in addition to being visible from outside the perimeter wall.
The particular collection of elements offered by the natural backdrop of the Diano Valley, from the monumental nature of the Carthusian Monastery and the specific nature of the space enclosed between the monk's cells and the perimeter walls represents a unique opportunity for contemporary research in the field of landscape architecture. The designers are asked to operate within the evocative framework of the hortus conclusus that was once an integral and substantial part of the architectural structure of the monk's apartments. The objective is that of confronting the theme of the garden: the site of encounters and dialogue between man and nature. A central element is thus the investigation of the relationship between landscape and architecture, or between art and nature. As a result, preference will be given to an ability to mark the site by taking advantage of the suggestive nature of the spaces being interpreted through a contemporary design analysis.
The garden of cell n°25 is a rectangle whose sides measure approximately 29 m x 12 m.
A budget of 25.000 Euro is available to construct the garden. This sum must cover all costs for materials and plant material. All the gardens built within the Carthusian Monastery are accessible by day and night, and thus we suggest that the project include a suitable lighting system; the project must also include an integrated irrigation network for the proper maintenance of the garden. The garden must be temporary in nature, but usable for a period of no less than 3 years.
The Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino, as part of the project to restore the unity of the hortus conclusus, is currently completing the restoration of cell n°25. This work deals with the perimeter walls (approx. 2 m in height) and the two side porticoes that delimit the space and allow access to the garden. Excavation work in this area unearthed traces of the masonry of an ancient aqueduct. These elements may, at the discretion of the designer, become an integral part of the project, or they may be temporarily covered.
Participants can download a series of images of the Carthusian Monastery and its main spaces (jpg format) at, where it is also possible to access a survey of the competition site garden and the project for the completion of the architectural volumes and walls of cell n°25 (dwg format). The restoration work is estimated to be completed during the month of August, 2006.
The single-phase competition is open to architects, landscape architects, agronomists and environmental engineers from around the globe. Participants may register as individuals or in groups, in which case the competitors must indicate a group leader on the registration form. The designated group leader must be registered with a recognised Order or Association of Professionals and thus legally able to practice in his/her home country. This figure will be the unique interlocutor for all correspondence with the Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino, while the rights to the project will be equally recognised to all group members. The group members need not be registered with an Order or Association of Professionals.
Each single participant or group must prepare and submit only one project. Participants may not be part of more than one group.
In the event of any discrepancies, the official brief of reference for the competition is the Italian version.
The submitted project proposals must be absolutely anonymous (images and text). Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of the submission. All projects must strictly adhere to the technical specifications indicated in this brief. The jury may decide to exclude a competitor due to the clear incorrectness of the material submitted with respect to the requests of the brief or following the discovery of elements that may compromise the condition of anonymity.
The following are not eligible to participate in the competition:
- employees of the Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino;
- employees of the Regione Campania;
- those who have collaborated in the preparation of this brief:
- spouses, family and relatives of jury members, including third degree;
- those who have a continuous working relationship or ongoing collaboration with jury members.
Participants must fill out the free, on-line registration form from the interactive portal for architecture, landscape architecture and design, indicating the following: group name, name (first & last), address, city, country, email address, date of birth, telephone number, profession and professional licence number (recognised Order or Association in the home country of the group leader), the name of all group members.
Once the registration process has been properly completed, the on-line system will automatically forward a User ID and Password to the group leader's email address. This information is necessary in order to proceed with the on-line submission of the project proposals. In order to participate, competitors must forward 2 images of the project in jpg format (945x450 pixel, maximum size 200 kb) and a descriptive text in Italian (maximum length 2000 key strokes).
All material must be forwarded by the participants through a process of self-publication of 2 successive 'pages', based on a simple, guided procedure that can be completed by all those with even the most elementary understanding of Internet and electronic mail.
The images and text must clearly outline the concept, strategy, design, plant material, building materials and technologies necessary for understanding the project.
- The first 'page' must contain:
a) One jpg image (945x450 pixels, maximum size 200 kb) that must feature at least two three-dimensional views of the project (renderings, photomontages, images of models and perspectives);
b) A description of the general concept of the project in Italian (maximum length 1000 keystrokes).
- The second 'page' must contain:
a) One jpg image (945x450 pixels, maximum size 200 kb) that includes at least one plan and one section of the project (renderings, photomontages, images of models and perspectives);
b) A description, in Italian, of the principal technical specifications and the proposed plant and building materials (maximum length 1000 keystrokes).
Once the procedure of self-publication of both 'pages' has been correctly completed, the on-line system will automatically forward a confirmation email to the group leader with an attachment of the file submitted (images and texts) in pdf format.
Until the moment of closure of the competition, it will be possible to modify the members of the group as listed on the registration form and submit the two 'pages'; competitors may submit modified drawings and in this case the jury will evaluate the most recently submitted material.
No registration forms or submissions in any other format will be accepted.
The procedure of self-publication of the images and texts can be made from any internet connection, using Firefox Mozilla (1.0 version or higher for Windows or MAC system) or Internet Explorer (only Windows system, no MAC) browsers.
The procedures of self-publication will be available on-line at from May 15, 2006 until 12:00 AM on June 15, 2006 (local Italian time). This will be the last moment for the completion of all operations and, as a result, for participation in the competition.
Given the significant amount of time available to all participants for the aforementioned procedures and technological operations, the Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino declines any and all responsibility for problems in accessing the on-line system and/or any failure to activate the on-line procedures within the available time, caused by difficulties of a technical nature faced by competitors and/or caused by the system, though for which the system is not responsible, such as, for example, (the list is not exhaustive): difficulty in connecting to the system caused by unsuitable computer systems or computer systems used in an incorrect manner, temporary congestion of the internet network and/or connections to the internet network, natural catastrophic events or events caused by human action that may affect the competition management infrastructures, etc.
The on-line management system univocally and casually associates each self-published project with a code number composed of 8 digits. Not even the author of the project will be informed of this identification code. Only upon completion of all jury operations will this number be associated with the names of the project authors.
For this reason we repeat that the images and texts must contain no references that may in any way compromise the anonymity of the competitors.
Participants may formulate questions and requests for clarification exclusively via email, to be forwarded to the Competition Secretariat on or before April 10, 2006. The Competition Secretariat will collect all questions and provide answers by April 18, 2006. The collection of questions and answers will be available on-line from the official competition website.
The Jury is composed of 9 effective members and 3 supplementary members. Should any effective members be unavailable, he/she will be immediately and definitively substituted by one of the supplementary members.
Effective members of the Jury:
1- Achille Bonito Oliva - Art Critic (President);
2- Giuseppe Zampino - Superintendent with the BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino;
3- Antonio Ranauro - Manager, POR Campania;
4- Stefan Tischer (invited Ortus Artis 2004) - Montreal;
5- Martin Rein Cano / Topotek 1 (invited Ortus Artis 2003) - Berlin;
6- Luigi Centola / Centola & Associati - Rome;
7- Maria Ippolita Nicotera / - Berlin;
8- Bruno Marzilli - Delegate National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators;
9- Carlo Bruschi - President Italian Association of Landscape Architects.
Supplementary members:
1- Daniela Moderini / Studio Moderini - Venice;
2- Marco Antonini / Land I - Rome;
3- Barbara Invernizzi - / Green World Consulting Rome.
The projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- The concept, originality, innovation and sustainability of the proposed solution;
- The integration of the hortus conclusus within its context and the investigation of the contemporary landscape;
- The feasibility of the cost of the project and the ease of maintaining the finished work.
In synthesis, the proposed garden must create a relationship with the architectural structure and the landscape, of which it must be an integral part. The projects must interpret the spirit of the "Ortus Artis" event: an all encompassing cultural intervention within the landscape which, through singular interventions and various activities, has given way to an operation of understanding and comprehension of the topic of the landscape, in all its various facets and layers, not only natural but also historical, artistic and anthropological.
The Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino has nominated the firm Noentries di Paolo de Riso to coordinate the on-line registration and submissions of the project proposals. Noentries di Paolo de Riso, other than developing, controlling and managing the automated registration and self-publication systems, will also implement the procedures aimed at ensuring the anonymity of the competitors by taking charge of the database that lists the correspondence between the numerical identification codes and the names of the competitors until such time as the jury has competed its work.
Following a review of the classification and verification of the necessary requirements of the group leaders, with respect to the requirements listed in the brief, the Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino will offer a symbolic prize to the first place winner of 5.000 Euro, in addition to the guarantee that the project will be built, within a maximum budget of 25.000 Euro. The group leader will also be awarded reimbursement for the cost of two trips to and lodging in Padula (maximum of one week), in order to further study the site and follow the works during their realisation. In the event that the group leader does not meet the requirements of the brief, the first prize will be awarded to the next eligible group leader.
Mr. Gennaro Miccio, from the Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino, will manage the technical development and construction of the winning project proposal. Within 25 days of the announcement of the competition results, the winner must forward the Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino a CD-Rom containing dwg format files of the project (plan, cross sections, long sections and details), a bill of quantities and the specifications of all materials and plant material, as well as any other drawings (renderings, photomontages, etc.) considered to be necessary for properly describing the project. This will be followed by the construction of the work, which will be inaugurated on September 15, 2006.
At the end of the judging process, the Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino will forward the results of the competition to all participants via email. The list of selected projects and the images of the winning project and the first 5 runner's up will be forwarded to the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators and international architecture and landscape architecture magazines.
As per applicable laws governing authorship rights, the intellectual property of all projects submitted will be guaranteed.
All submitted projects will be posted on-line at
The winning project and the top 5 runner's up will be published in sector-specific magazines. This means that the authors of these projects must forward a CD-Rom containing drawings and images of the project at a resolution of 300 dpi.
Participation in the competition automatically grants the Soprintendenza BAPPSAE of Salerno and Avellino authorisation to use the material submitted as part of any promotional material related to the competition.
By registering for the competition, all participants authorise the use of the personal data provide for exclusive uses related to the phases and procedures of the competition.
Competition announcement and beginning of on-line registration: March 2006
Questions and requests for clarification abut the brief: before April 10, 2006
Answers: by April 18, 2006
Beginning of self-publication of projects: May 15, 2006
Completion of registration and self-publication of projects: June 15, 2006 (12:00 AM local Italian time)
Jury works: by June 23, 2006
Announcement of results: Carthusian Monastery of Padula, June 24, 2006
Development of the winning project: by July 20, 2006
Construction of the garden: by September 15, 2006