Andre Nikolica 4, Belgrade, Serbia
AN extension
Belgrade - first prize
Upgrading the buildings in Senjak resulted with creating two larger residential area with identical threesite-orientation.
When it comes to apartments located in the attic or on top of residential buildings, they incurred as a result of subsequent interventions, ie. upgrade of the original building, freedom of interpretation of the current or inherited situation, as well as access to the shaping of architectural extensions into new space, always in a process with uncertain outcome. So far, this has been the practice in Serbia. Upgrades are usually associated with "necessary evil" people are looking for additional housing, as well as ones littlebit more oriented towards or illegal construction and acquisition of capital on the sale of such flats.
Aesthetic result is often devastating as witnessed by the city silhouette from almost any point.One of them become subject of interior design by Sinestezia doo.