konkordiastr. 61 / 40219 Duesseldorf / Germany
Hong Kong Design Center
Hong Kong, China
Being surrounded by an almost continuous three hundred foot wall of high-rise apartment buildings on three of four sides, the project, a multidisciplinary design school, acts as a grandstand, opening up the view towards the one unobstructed end: Junk Bay. On an urban scale, the sloped form acts a mediator between the high-rise towers and the future governmental buildings to the south of the site. Cuts within this ridge like shape form ‘lightyards’ that provide necessary daylight throughout all floors. The semi continuous design-studios on top of the building constitute the stepped slope and reflect the organizational principle of the design institution with multiple functions and cross synergies. (urban environments + FAR Frohn&Rojas Team: Mark Mückenheim, Marc Frohn, Mario Rojas Toledo, Suat Eriz, Andrea Schmeing / Consultants: Stefan Sous (artists), FKJ, Integralingenieure (structural engineering) ClubL94 (Landscape))