Grosse Neugasse 27 - 1040 - Wien - Austria
project image
Via is a constructed platform which grows from the inside of the pavilion to the outside. It is half path and half square. Ramps and paths form the course which guides the visitor from the open space into the pavilion and through the exhibition. Additionally the platform serves for actions which show that architecture only gets lively when used properly. Charged through programmed attractions, zones of densification occur - spots of different residential quality are created. The spectator peeps at hot sunbathing areas - to well-shaped curves of a fast go-cart circuit. It tempts to switch sides - from the passive voyeur to the actor - or only a stroller? The hub in the very front serves alternately as a hideout for several architecture teams. There will be working, living and action. The hub will become a shop window of young Austrian teams.