EveryVille Competition by La Biennale di Venezia -  project 98 of 195  
Granger page 1 (page 2)
Alexandre Granger (FRANCE)
The sociability passes by pleasant urban spaces: the city needs quality public spaces!
The cities which quickly grow are confronted with two major problems:
_ the necessity of planning the growth of the city, notably by mastering a part of its land to create public spaces indispensable to the relaxation of inhabitants,
_ the problem of the management, the treatment and the valuation of wastes produced by inhabitants, notably their excrements.
The objective is to help the municipal services to elaborate a strategy of punctual valuation of its territory, at first, and to generalize this strategy secondly.
Sectors with stakes are identified to be the objects of a priority valuation: a city commercial entrance, totally mineral and devolved to cars, a streets angle which serves as garbage dump instead of being a little pleasant place, and a huge waste ground which could become an urban park with its greenhouse.