Solar Park South - International Online -  project 2 of 201  
boyarsky murphy architects page 2 (page 1)
nicholas boyarsky (united kingdom)
The Plug-In consists of a shaft attached to the existing concrete viaduct piers with a cluster of spaces and platforms at the top, bridging both road levels and the valley bellow. An elevator transports the raw biomass from the harvesting in the valley up to the bio-fuel plant at the top of the structure where the bio-fuel plant becomes a public spectacle to be observed by visitors and researchers. The finished product is transported via trucks on the retained part of the highway, thus setting up a network for bio-fuel for the wider area. The Jathropa plant can be grown in very poor soils actually generating top soil as it goes. Its high oil content (40%) means it is very profitable for the local community, it prevents soil erosion and its life cycle yields plenty of secondary products such as fertilizers and soap. The Plug-In Valley sets up a system where all these products can be manufactured and distributed for the benefits of the environment and the local community.