Solar Park South - International Online -  project 187 of 201  
SUN GROUP page 2 (page 1)
patricia crowder (argentina), marina bertani (argentina)

Solar asphalt road
Each Solar Road Panel contains solar collectors, energy storage devices, circuit boards, electronic parts and it measures 12 feet (about 4 meters) by 12 feet or 13.4 m2. So based on the 4.2kWh average per meter squared, our Solar Road Panel should average receiving 56.28kWh of energy per day. They could theoretically collect (56.28kWh x 0.185) 10.41kWh per day.
Hot water and lighting could collect also with solar asphalt roadway.
Solar balloons.
The project is showing great promise as a low-cost deployable system that would harness solar energy while maintaining a minuscule environmental footprint.

Total aprox. 8.692.267 millon euros.