Andrés Jaque Arquitectos home
Duque Fernán Nunez, 2 28012 Madr
Andrés Jaque Architects and its associated think tank Oficce for Political Innovation explore the role architecture plays in the making of societies. Creators of the mark of quiality PARLIAMENT ARCHTECTURE, their work includes the creation of hosts (like TECHNOGIESHA), the World's first Catholic Chill Out in Plasencia (Spain), system of houses developed with demostrative marketing techniques (TUPPER HOMES, in Madrid), cities designed like efficient and transparent markets (MOUSSE CITY in Stavanger -Norway-, PEACE FOAM CITY in Ceuta -Spain-, DEMOCRATIC SPONGE in Vallecas -Madrid-), plans to make cities politically transparent (12 ACTIONS TO TRANSPARENT PETER EISENMAN CIDADE DA CULTURA in Santiago de Compostela -Spain-), houses you feel like kissing (TEDDY HOUSE in Vigo -Spain-, and HOUSE IN NEVER NEVER LAND, Ibiza) and daily life museums (MUSEO POSTAL DE BOGOTÁ in Colombia). They have also created a series of ARCHITECTURAL TV LATIN AMERI