AKSL arhitekti home
AKSL ARHITEKTI d.o.o. AKSL arhitekti was found in 2000 by Špela Leskovic in Aleš Košak. They have a small office with 2 more coworkers in the centre of Ljubljana. Špela Leskovic was born in Ljubljana in 1976. Graduated from the Architecture Faculty in Ljubljana (Prof. Jurij Kobe). She is a free-lance architectural designer. Since 2000 she has worked in cooperation with Aleš Košak as one of the AKSL duo. At the same time active in the theatre; her first set design 1997, and independent theatre projects since 2002; architectural project by AKSL. Aleš Košak was born in Ljubljana in 1974. Studies architecture at the Architecture Faculty in Ljubljana and at the moment he is working on his degree project (Prof. Aleš Vodopivec). Since 2000 he has worked in cooperation with Špela Leskovic as one of the duo of AKSL; architectural projects by AKSL duo.
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