Andre Nikolica 4, Belgrade, Serbia
Here classical division hallway room needed to be interrupted.
We created an active performative volume- we call it kokpit. Other elements are sliding, pivoting- no ‘normal’ doors.
KOKPIT become a main sculptural element of the place. We did different frames, each follow different function in the kokpit’ s inside. We specially designed for this project structural panels looking at the airplane industry of the 50ies where the conplez structure was wrapped with canvas and painted.
Natural materials and soft lighting are here the standard. In the design of the loft, various zones are generated - public / private / office and guest areas/wet zones. These zones wrap around a 'core' located in the middle zone of the loft. The core is registering movement and actions inside of it.
In the past the space hosted 7 families. It was also called a “Russian Komunalka” of Stallin times.