Kruiskade 6, 3012EH, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Lab transvaal
2008, Den Haag
Over a period of 12 years a radical process of urban renovation is taking places in the multi ethnical neighbourhood of Transvaal, the Hague. 3000 houses are being demolished to make room for 1600 new units. In term of materials this means that a huge amount of demolition waste has to be shipped away. In this study we proposed an solution for local reuse of the demolition materials.
We use the empty spots as a temporary storage for the material coming from the demolition in order to use that material for the construction of a third spot.
The storage consists of a series of shipping containers that can be organized in different configurations and can be easily moved. The containers host the materials reclaimed from the demolition; even trees are stored. Assembled together they can generate an inspiring and uncommon public space adaptable to different uses.