konkordiastr. 61 / 40219 Duesseldorf / Germany
Cemetery for the Future
Stuttgart, Germany - second prize
Jury: Central to the imaginative concept is the dialogue between the bereaved and the decedents. Better: the illusion of the dialogue. Thereby, the process of parting and remembrance is understood as a dynamic event. The visionary design is complexly applied through the scanning and the archiving of the body and life of the deceased. The meaning of the architecture stands aside: A formerly dead space is now dominated through a lively and interactive installation, which is the carrying media for the representation of the answer of the deceased. The high-tech vision puts the dead urban space in between and over the important traffic axes of Stuttgart alive and may in its bias fulfill the necessities of certain target groups. The concept will expedite the dialogue between the dichotomy of individuality and public installation it is emotional and stimulating even for the uninvolved. (Team: Mark Mückenheim, Omar Mansour, Sandra Kauls)