konkordiastr. 61 / 40219 Duesseldorf / Germany
Dresden, Germany - special prize
With its complex warping, consisting of small hills and valleys in variable densities and gradients, TOPOTRON offers an extreme variety of ever changing course for skating. The modulated, dark asphalt surface stretches over an area of 27,5 to 250 meters and is structured and visually activated by a grid of white stripes painted with reflecting color, that glows in the dark when illuminated by a fluorescent black light system installed along the field. Through this net, the facility receives a unique linear structure, which evokes an effect of a three-dimensional construction drawing that is projected onto the artificial landscape. It also acts as a spatial measuring system for the skaters by further adding a cool and effectual illumination to the skate-park in the city center of Dresden (Team: Mark Mückenheim, Stefan Sous (artist) Burkhard Wegener (Club L94) Stefan Rasche (Text)).