Bethaniëndwarsstraat 6d 1012 CB Amsterdam
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Het Goed Apeldoorn
Build on the edge of Zuiderpark, the largest park of the post-war district Apeldoorn-zuid, this building is part of a larger centre of community facilities. It is the focus of a major urban and social renewal program for the whole district. GOED stands for: “Gezondheid Onder Een dak” which means “healthcare under one roof”. The program is however much broader and consist of a health centre (general physicians, physiotherapists, dentals, pharmacy etc), nursing point, social services, fitness, elderly day-care centre, nursing home for psycho-geriatric patients and 36 apartments. The building itself is divided in two main U-form blocks. The U-form floor plans (which alternate their position every floor) create openings between the park and the green inner courtyards. The block’s facades are made of elegant brickwork with aluminium accents.