EveryVille Competition by La Biennale di Venezia -  project 37 of 195  
atelierul de urbanism page 1 (page 2)
andrei condoros (ROMANIA), diana belci (ROMANIA), robert zotescu (ROMANIA), Pierre Bortnowski (BELGIUM)
Everyville is a town in which the citizens never really die. The personality of the Everyville community is expressed by the concept of a LIVING CEMETERY, where people are laid to rest in the place where they make their impacts, write their stories, and leave their memories: in their community! As time goes by, the living cemetery expands to weave through the entire fabric of the town. The town remembers its citizens by preserving their resting places as vibrant pieces of the urban fabric. The living cemetery serves as a bridge, to remind citizens of their past and to encourage them to build their future together. In this sense, Everyville represents the ultimate participatory community. The shared experience of building something that will exist long after they are all gone creates a common pride that defines Everyville and its citizens. Only with time and civic involvement can people build real community.